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In here you are home, come in kick off your shoes and embrace His grace

We are a family of believers pursuing freedom together by keeping Jesus at the center of everything we do.

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Freedom Center Church

Who We Are

We are a family of believers pursuing freedom together by keeping Jesus at the center of everything we do. We encourage each individual to discover who they were uniquely created to be in the body of Christ. You will find that we strive to be a comfortable place for you to embrace His grace and discover more of Him, and more of you.

Learn more about our core values below!


Join us Sunday’s at 11:00 AM for Worship Service

Freedom Center Church

390 Warnick Street

Elmira, New York 14901

Our Core Values


God knit you together in your mother’s womb. He knit you together and made you marvelous and wonderfully complex, Psalm 139:13-14. We want to embrace those things about you that are marvelous, wonderful, and uniquely you. In here, there is no pressure to conform to another person’s views of you! We must first come to a place of individual discovery, before we can serve as part of The Body as a whole. Who are you? What gifts did He give you?

Joyful Servitude

We are a people who are called to live life abundantly! In here we smile, we laugh, we joke around, and we serve with a joyful heart. Colossians 3:23 says to do whatever we do unto the Lord. When we serve one another, when we volunteer, when we love, it is all unto the Lord. And, when we share in joy, we are embracing His gift of abundant life.

Being at Home

Our church is a place where you can come in, kick off your shoes, grab a cup of coffee, and be comfortable. We believe that people can best embrace His grace when they feel like they can put their defenses down. We strive to be that place.

Jesus at the Center

In everything we do, Jesus is always at the center. We make sure to keep Him as our focus point by bringing worship and prayer to the forefront of all that we do. He is how we fight our battles; He is how we overcome; and He is where we are truly FREE.


Within our doors, you will find a people who are open and honest. A leadership that is trustworthy and full of integrity. We will not lie to you, or keep you in the dark. We strive to be a united body in Christ who functions as one. In order to do that, we need to be able to be honest with ourselves, and with others.


In John 8:31-32, Jesus says that those who believe in him and abide in Him are truly His disciples; they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. We are a family of believers who seek FREEDOM for all of God’s children. In order to have freedom, we must have truth, and the truth is found in the Word of God and in Faith. We believe in the Bible and in the one and only God who spoke all things into existence.

Community Unity

We believe that the bride of Christ is ONE. Comprised of God’s unique and individual children. While we believe in being individuals, we also believe in unity. We are a people called to be separate and together. Our hands are stretched out into our community in love. We support and connect with other churches in our area. We are not in this for personal gain. We are in this together for His kingdom.


Why do we give away fluffy socks?

Because we want you to feel at home here. You can't find true healing and restoration in the Lord if you are too busy trying to cover up who you are. We give you socks when you walk in to let you know that this is a safe place to lay down the façade and embrace His grace.

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